The results of my Implicit Association Test for race determined that I had a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American. I was surprised because I didn't know I had any kind of preference. The manner of the test was interesting on this one and I am not sure how they get results by having you do that particular test, but I do believe it could be helpful. In my case, I didn't realize that I had a general preference for any particular race. This test makes me aware that I do, and therefore I can make any necessary changes to prevent showing bias towards students in my class. You can't change something you don't know exists so I believe this test is very useful.
The results for my Implicit Association Test for gender determined I have a moderate association of Male with CAREER and Female with FAMILY. I wasn't at all surprised by these results at all. I realize that I have this viewpoint and don't see having this view as being a problem in the classroom. My views on this matter are personal and I don't believe they are so extreme that it would affect my teaching in a negative way.
Multiple Intelligence Test
My results showed my top 3 strengths to be logical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. I believe these results to be most accurate with the person I am. I love math and have always loved math. I am also a person who likes to keep to myself at times, reflect and work at my own pace. When I realized I also scored high in the interpersonal category, my first thought was that it seemed to be contradictory to the part of me that is intrapersonal. I found it interesting that I scored highly in both categories. However, after reflecting, I realize that I do like to interact with others and observe others interacting. Although I may appear shy and kept to myself, that is more often than not the environment I am in and my level of comfortability. The manner in which the test is used to get the results is straight forward. The test is to measure the way in which a person learns best, so determining the interests, habits, and preferences of that person seems like a good way to get those results.
IQ Test
My IQ test results showed I scored the highest in the area of classification. Next highest were in the area of logic and pattern recognition. The results showed my weakest area to be mathematcis and general knowledge. I found these results surprising! (I figured I should have scored high in all areas!! - JK!!) The reason these results were surprising is because of my love of math, the good grades I have gotten in previous math classes and the results of the intelligence test which showed a logical (number smart) intelligence. I didn't imagine that my low score would be in mathematics. I also was surprised that the results showed my general knowledge so low. (It was very, very low). I wasn't able to finish the test and left 4 questions unanswered. I believe since the test is testing the data and facts one knows, it makes sense to have questions that relate to that data and those facts.
Would I use these tests?
I believe without a doubt, that the intelligence test could be helpful for a teacher to use in order to find out the way her class learns best. Intelligence is as individual as the student, so teacher's should not teach the same year after year, student after student. I think this tool would give insight to a teacher that would help her customize and manipulate her methods of teaching to reach the greatest majority of her students. As for the IQ test, I'm not sure whether I would use that in my class or not. On the test results themselves, it stated; " acheive excellence you must fully understand your strengths and learn to maximize your efforts. Knowing your greatest intellectual strength may give you insight into how you can improve your learning process, work better with others, or become more self aware of your abilities." Of weaknesses it stated, "Awareness of your weaknesses allows you to predict problems and find solutions ahead of time, thereby alleviating future headaches."
I belive that these points are true, however I can also see how having these results might have the opposite affect. A student might think he/she is good at a subject and upon reading these results and not getting the expected results might determine they are not good. That could then lead to a lack of confidence in that particular area which might lead to them limiting their potential. So, if I had to make a decision right now as to whether I would use an IQ in my class, I would say no at this point because although there are benefits, I don't feel the benefits outweigh the possible negative affect it can have. (That's not to say that upon further investigation I wouldn't change my mind.)

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