Monday, September 15, 2008

Week #2 - Cell Phones in the Classroom?!

I have been doing some googling to enlighten myself on technology that is out there that can be used in the classroom. I have come across some interesting concepts that I never would have thought of myself but that actually seem plausible. For example, I would never have thought to use cell phones in the classroom or that there was a way to integrate them in an educational way. As I researched the idea of using cell phones in the classroom to teach, I was very surprised at the many different ways cell phones could be used. Here are a few examples of ways I found they can be used:

1) accessing data (google sms)
2) mobile recording (gabcast, gcast, jott)
3) surveys/ polls (polleverywhere)
4) mobile photo sharing (flickr)
5) homework and alerts (homeworknow)
6) calculator
7) digital camera
(more detailed and complete list found here and here)

Some of the ideas I "get", and really like are:

1) using the camera fuction to create a photo documentary which can then be uploaded and shared with the class.
2) using cel phones to create podcasts which can then be loaded up to a class blog, etc.)
3) using text message to "boost" and encourage students (more info here)
4) using text messaging to create their own novels

Despite the great ideas and benefits of using cell phones, there are also some problems that might arise from using them in the classroom:
1) not everyone in the class will have one
2) who pays for text messaging, picture taking/uploading, etc.
3) inappropriate use of cell phones (cheating, inappropriate pics, etc.)
4) who assumes responsibility in case of damage

I believe there is potential for cell phones to be used in a positive and effective way in our classrooms today. If we have technology and students are using that technology, then we should do our best to find a way to incorporate that technology into our teaching. Perhaps, using cell phones would only be a group project that would require signatures from parents giving permission for the student to use the cell phone, and maybe you would limit cell phone use to a specific activity in an effort to avoid some of the problems. Cell phones are a part of many middle school and high schools students' lives and I think by finding a way to incorporate this technology we perhaps unlock a tool that will reach a student that may not be reached another way.

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