Ch. 3 Fullfilling the Promise
For my own benefit and future reference I am going to note important aspects I took from the chapter and then will add my insights at the bottom. (I will likely follow this same format in all of my blogs so I can reference the information later).
Five ways a teacher can respond to student needs.
1) invitation - rooted in an unerring belief in the worth and dignity of each learner
Teachers words, actions and demeanor must communicate:
- I respect you.
- I want to know you.
- You are unique and valuable.
- I believe in you.
- I have time for you.
- I learn when I listen to you.
- This place is yours too.
- We need you here.
The invitiation is always there - it is unconditional!! Every student is worthy to be valued, dignified and respected just for being there in class. No strings attached! What a wonderful concept for each student to know and feel from their teacher.
In one of the examples of teacher's implementing this, one teacher had a "Trouble Basket" she had placed at the door. Every morning, along with the greeting and the word of the day, students could put their troubles in the basket and left them there so they could get on with learning. What a wonderful idea! Just the fact that the teacher recognizes that students have hard days and that she cares about them being happy in the classroom before they start the day. I loved this.
2) Opportunity - inclusive of each individual, fosters positive attitudes about self and learning, enhances meaning in both school and life,and engenders competence. Enlivening the classroom and minds.
Teachers words, actions and demeanor must communicate:
- I have important things for you to do here today
- The things I ask you to do are worthy things
- The things I ask you to do are often daunting
- The things I ask you to do open new possibilities for you
- The things I asked you to do help you become all you can be
- You have specific roles here that make us all more efficitent and effective
3) Investment - Teachers act as mentors, advocates and parners to students - personally engaged in what they ask students to do.
- I work hard to make this place work for you
- I work to make this place reflect you
- I enjoy thinking about what we do here
- I love to find new paths to success
- It is my job to hep you succeed
- I am your partner in growth
- I will do what it takes to ensure your growth
4) Persistence - Teacher models the steady but relentless quest for excellence, acknowledges the distance the child has come but recognizes how much there is still to go and helps students realize that the quest for aulity never ends. "We're all on a journey - none of us is ever through striving."
- You're growing, but you're not finished growing.
- When one route doesn't work, there are others we can find
- Let's figure out what works best.
- There are no excuses here, but there is support.
- There is no finish line in learning.
5) Reflection - Teacher knows that "Failure is not an option" - teacher reflects on daily practice and beliefs.
A teacher communicates the following:
- I watch you and listen to you carefully and systematically
- I make sure to use what I learn to help you learn better
- I try to see things through your eyes.
- I continually ask, "How is this partnership working?"
- I continually ask, "How can I make this better?"
As I reflected on this chapter, I of course thought about the teachers I have had. The teachers who made a difference, who made me feel important and needed were teachers who met all or some of these needs. I remember specifically my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Kaywell. My cousin and I were in the same class and caused some trouble from time to time. I don't remember being really fond of the teacher, but I didn't dislike her either. I remember my feelings changing when I received a personal, hand-written card from her. I instantly felt bad for the trouble we had caused her, and then gained an appreciation for her because I felt she cared about me.
I also remember teachers who accepted and rewarded me for my lack of persistence. As a high school senior it was a requirement to do a term paper in order to graduate. I wasn't a bad student, but I did procrastinate - especially big projects. So, I didn't do it. Rather than talk with me and help me overcome the obstacle and help me persevere, my teacher said nothing about me never completing the term paper and passed me (I think with a B). As a high school student, you would think I would be pleased that I passed a class I deserved to fail and that I got to graduate. However, I have always regretted that the teacher didn't help me to succeed and fullfill what I should have.
One of my most favorite quotes from this chaper:
"They are remarkable because they live what they believe." (pg. 26) I LOVE this quote. It makes me think of some people and families I have recently learned of who have suffered great tragedies and who, because they LIVE what they BELIEVE (their religion), are able to come through it with a peace and comfort that amazes and astounds me. I want to be a teacher who lives what I believe - and also a person, who lives what I believe. I bet like most things, it is easier said than done - but worth all the effort!
Classroom Environment
- Study Students' Cultures in order to gain insights as to how to make learning more interesting
- Convey Status in order to help students see the possiblities in peers that are quiet, have different backgrounds, or who struggle.
- Commend Creativity in order to create a tone of possiblity and a class of contributors.
- Make room for all kinds of learners in order to create a positive and friendly learning environment.
- Help students know about one another by doing "morning meetings", interest groups and "word Jars" or "idea jars"
- Celebrate success in order to give students recognition for having reached a goal.
Although I haven't seen a personal example of a classroom celebrating the success of one of their peers, I have heard experiences of others, and the benefits to both those giving praise and the one receiving praise is huge. I think it validates the work and effort of the student being praised, and let's them know they have a team cheering for them. As a class, I think it helps other strive to do their best, knowing they have the support of their peers.
Communication in the classroom
- Hold Goal Setting Conferences which gives the student and teacher the opportunity to examine student's work, talk about strengths, set goals and helps students take ownership of their learning.
- Use Dialogue Journals to communicate with students and to give students the opportunity to communicate with you as the teacher.
- Incorporate teacher talk groups in lesson plans in order to get a quick assessment of student needs, understanding of content and how class is functioning.
I don't remember too much of this happening when I was in school. The closest thing was probably a journal we had to write in daily, but we didn't write about strenghts, work, or goals. I think this would be very beneficial in helping students own their learning and in letting them know they had the teacher's support and encouragement.
Classroom Operation
Four General Rules
1) We will show respect for people, their ideas, and their propery
2) We will work hard to ensure our own growth and to assist the growth of other
3) We will persist, even when things are difficult and uncertain.
4) We will accept responsibility for the quality of our work and for our behaviors and actions.
I love that the book says that students should understand that the class rules or guidelines are to be "what we need to succeed". SO many times we think of rules as limitations. What a great change of viewpoint.Other strategies for classroom operation
- Time is valuable - convey this to the students and help them use their time wisely
- Fair is ensuring all students get what they need to succeed
- Teach up, work up - Challenge students and teach them to embrace challenge and the opportunity if gives them to enjoy meeting the challenge.
Classroom Routines
- Flexibility within the classroom comes from routines
- Let students do things for themselves as that is how they become more independent. If we continually do it for them, we rob them of the opportunity to become independent.
I thought the idea of the green and red "stop and go" cards and the Emergency Red Cross tongue depressers, was unique and useful. As teachers try to meet the needs of his/her students, it will require that the students be responsible for themselves at times. This is a great way of giving students that opportunity while also monitoring them in a way that won't disrupt small group or individual activity going on.
Other strategies for classroom routines:
- visual cues
- pre-establish groups
- use goal cards
- teach for smooth transitions
Support Systems
- Vary materials
- Use graphic organizers
- Provide survival packets - packet put together by the teacher that has key info, ideas, skills, vobaculary, etc. from a unit to help a student master it.
- Use participation prompts - advance notice that you are going to ask the student to partipate so they can gather thoughts. They include think-alouds and think-pair-shares.
- Build language bridges
Because we as teachers want students working just a bit past where they are comfortable, it is important that we provide support systems to help them be successful in their endeavors.
Shared Responsibility in the Classroom includes academic and environmental issues.
- Use evaluation checklists
- Involve students in scheduling decisions
- Engage students in assessing their own progress
- Help students to set their own academic goals
When everyone takes responsibility the classroom becomes less of teacher/students and more like a family or community. This reminds me of something I heard about having chores and/or traditions in a family. These assigned chores or family traditions, help each family member feel important - helps them feel a sense of belonging to their family. In a similar way, I think shared responsibility of the classroom helps unite the class as a family/community and in order for the teacher to meet the needs of her students, and be that differentiating teacher, this is key.
Bit by bit it is all coming together and I am starting to realize that differentiation is a whole lot of little things put together. At first I was overwhelmed thinking that differentiation meant knowing each student and creating 30 different lesson plans for each student in order to meet their needs. I am gaining an understanding that differentiation is much like creating a home/safe haven, for your family. There are many things a mother/wife does within the home that speaks to her children/spouse, individually and in much the same way, we must do that for our students if we are to be differentiating teachers.
1 comment:
What an incredible experience it is to read your thoughts and reflections on these chapters. Because I love the author so dearly, it thrills me to run into others who are sponges for the truth she teaches! 4 points
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