Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#15 - Webquest - The Creation

Well, we started the creation of our webquest. I think it is going to turn out really neat and I am excited, as I have mentioned before, for this opportunity. Our topic is on nutrition and there are so many wonderful sites out there on nutrition for younger kids. We have planned for the students to use technology and do some activities on the computer, but have also incorporated some activities that students will do at their desks from the information they gather from the webquest. Since learning we were going to do a webquest I have taken some time to explore the webquests that are available and they are such great tools for teaching an array of subjects. Some of the reasons I think webquests are so great and plan to use them in my future classroom are:

1. they engage the students using technology
2. students can be given a specific role to go along with their task which can make learning about the subject and going about the task a little more fun
3. they are an effective way to teach students problem solving and critical thinking skills

As we have started the creation of our webquest, I have seen many reasons to NEVER again to it through powerpoint. It takes so long just to get the formatting and the hyperlinking set up. If we were able to use a program or tool that allowed us to build a webquest we could skip all of the formatting stuff we ended up doing during class and spend more time on actually making the webquest. I am sure that through this process however, that I may learn how to do something using power point that may help me in the future, so I am just taking this as a learning experience - even if it is annoying at times. :)

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