Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Extra Credit:: Investigations Math

Investigations Math is a method of teaching math which is a "non-traditional" approach to teaching math. It involves lots of group work but no textbooks. The arguments for investigations math include that students gain a deeper understanding of math and develop of love of math. Arguments against investigations math counter that students are not learning standard algorithms and math facts to be able to quickly recall them.

So What?
This type of math program has been implemented and from class discussion sounds like is still being used in some schools here in Utah, despite much debate. This method of teaching Math was implemented in Utah after it was implemented in California in around 2005. Since then California has quit using this method because they found it ineffective.

Now What?
I think the arguments for and against are both relevant. I think it is important that students learn basic math facts and if they do that by memorization and lots of practice, then so be it. However, I also see where making math more of a group project where students work together to explore and find the answer can be helpful. Especially for the students who really struggle. I don't understand why there can't be a middle ground that meets the needs of all students and involves both traditional math teaching combined with this new way of teaching.

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